clharle 4th August 2011

Dear Rodrigues family, 4 years ago this past Sunday, our 16-yr old son passed away swimming in the Willamette River here in Salem. My life was turned upside down at losing a son so young. Yet I read about this, and my heart aches for you. I cannot imagine losing a child after 4 days, and I won't say anything like "I know how you feel". I know how it is to lose a child, however. It is a path few parents ever experience. The ONLY thing that kept me from losing it was my son's-and our-faith in Jesus Christ. I'm not going to preach. Just know that I am praying for you, I cried for you today, and you CAN find solace in His Mercy. It takes time, and it isn't easy, but it will get better. Eventually.